The story seems to be that they are not pictures of actual abuse but re-enactments of actual abuse that took place.
It seems? Really?
Do you have proof for these comments, or are you just making them up to back up your own agenda on the war?
liberals, hmmrppphh!
The story seems to be that they are not pictures of actual abuse but re-enactments of actual abuse that took place.
It seems? Really?
Do you have proof for these comments, or are you just making them up to back up your own agenda on the war?
well as you would have guessed from my name, i am a proud witness and i feel obliged to preach to you about the promises that our wonderful creator, jehovah god, has promised each and every one of us, of any race or background.
i know that you already know what he has told us through his word, but i am curious to wonder why you have chosen to jump off the narrow road which leads to everlasting life.
is it because you have had a bad experience in god's organization?
No Dr, I do not post here under a different name.
well as you would have guessed from my name, i am a proud witness and i feel obliged to preach to you about the promises that our wonderful creator, jehovah god, has promised each and every one of us, of any race or background.
i know that you already know what he has told us through his word, but i am curious to wonder why you have chosen to jump off the narrow road which leads to everlasting life.
is it because you have had a bad experience in god's organization?
I changed the avatar after being rumbled. Ha! Before it was the knowledge book.
But, seriously, Ray Franz.... a lot of people have taken his word for it. But then the WT record doesn't really inspire confidence, does it? I think i'd rather trust the Devil.
well as you would have guessed from my name, i am a proud witness and i feel obliged to preach to you about the promises that our wonderful creator, jehovah god, has promised each and every one of us, of any race or background.
i know that you already know what he has told us through his word, but i am curious to wonder why you have chosen to jump off the narrow road which leads to everlasting life.
is it because you have had a bad experience in god's organization?
Im sorry for wasting anybody's time.
But hey! It got you all going. And it's worth it to hear some arguments against the WT.
**High fives the repliers**
well as you would have guessed from my name, i am a proud witness and i feel obliged to preach to you about the promises that our wonderful creator, jehovah god, has promised each and every one of us, of any race or background.
i know that you already know what he has told us through his word, but i am curious to wonder why you have chosen to jump off the narrow road which leads to everlasting life.
is it because you have had a bad experience in god's organization?
Darn it,
Had some fooled
well as you would have guessed from my name, i am a proud witness and i feel obliged to preach to you about the promises that our wonderful creator, jehovah god, has promised each and every one of us, of any race or background.
i know that you already know what he has told us through his word, but i am curious to wonder why you have chosen to jump off the narrow road which leads to everlasting life.
is it because you have had a bad experience in god's organization?
Dan, look back at my second post, darling.
well as you would have guessed from my name, i am a proud witness and i feel obliged to preach to you about the promises that our wonderful creator, jehovah god, has promised each and every one of us, of any race or background.
i know that you already know what he has told us through his word, but i am curious to wonder why you have chosen to jump off the narrow road which leads to everlasting life.
is it because you have had a bad experience in god's organization?
Lady Lee, I was quoting directly from what he said on the programme, I know that it was Barb Anderson and that she subsequently took out a lawsuit against the Society.
Everybody else, thank you for your comments, but I remain steadfast through the things you have pointed out. Asking me to 'prove' Ray Franz was lying is like me asking you to prove that the Society is lying when it speaks of a unique brotherhood of divinley inspired men whom give us truths from God's word. Can you do that? Or will you just point to Ray Franz' book again?
well as you would have guessed from my name, i am a proud witness and i feel obliged to preach to you about the promises that our wonderful creator, jehovah god, has promised each and every one of us, of any race or background.
i know that you already know what he has told us through his word, but i am curious to wonder why you have chosen to jump off the narrow road which leads to everlasting life.
is it because you have had a bad experience in god's organization?
wow Gumby
Go somewhere else to piss people off if that's how you derive your fun. You look like a fool to others here.
And here's me thinking that this forum is for discussing anything JW related. Does that not include this? I'm not here to p**s anybody off, so I guess thats just your way of reacting to a person with an opinion different to your's.
well as you would have guessed from my name, i am a proud witness and i feel obliged to preach to you about the promises that our wonderful creator, jehovah god, has promised each and every one of us, of any race or background.
i know that you already know what he has told us through his word, but i am curious to wonder why you have chosen to jump off the narrow road which leads to everlasting life.
is it because you have had a bad experience in god's organization?
I could provide some examples, yes.
For instance, Ray Franz, self proclaimed misleader of thousands, claims in Crises of Conscience that some Governing Body members often 'fell asleep' in meetings and these meetings were not centered around examining God's word but simply on procedure. Of course, many people have believed him, and that's up to them. But it's sad to see so many people simply taking his word for it and claiming the same as he does - just because he didn't receive God's holy spirit when he was part of the Governing Body, doesn't mean to say that the rest didn't either.
Ray Franz was totally demoted and began work on a farm, if I remember rightly. If that was the case, he was an ageing man with no prospects, unable to ever return to God's Organization. So he wrote a book. Good idea! It will come as such great news to all those people who have ever left, he can get bags of money and can be seen as some kind of 'saviour' to the apostates.
By lying in this manner, he downgrades the Faithful Slave... in my book, thats a 'terrible lie'.
Another indirect lie is when apostates speak about false prophecies. For instance, parts of the Finished Mystery which were filled with Charles Taze Russells crazy ideas about Pyramids, Steam Locomotives and God living on another planet. I think he was the one on the other planet! But apostates point to these teachings, as though they mean anything today. They do not! They just serve as a reminder that the light gets brighter. These people who speaculate on past doctrine as though we teach it today are idiots.
And for the last 3 years, the so called 'Child Abuse figures' as shown on Silent Lambs has stood at the same figure, the same that Bill Bowen proclaimed on the BBC documentary. Like a game of Chinese whispers, Bill was told a number, by 'a person working at Brooklyn' and he gave the number to the rest of the world as his 'truth'. I'm not denying the existance of these scumbags within the Organization, but I am confused as to why people could listen to Bill say a five digit number and swallow it whole - just the same as how apostates claim the rest of the Organization has swallowed God's truth as a 'lie'.
To the person claiming I should research, I suggest you should go away and find something else you may want me to do which I haven't already done.
well as you would have guessed from my name, i am a proud witness and i feel obliged to preach to you about the promises that our wonderful creator, jehovah god, has promised each and every one of us, of any race or background.
i know that you already know what he has told us through his word, but i am curious to wonder why you have chosen to jump off the narrow road which leads to everlasting life.
is it because you have had a bad experience in god's organization?
Well as you would have guessed from my name, I am a proud Witness and I feel obliged to preach to you about the promises that our wonderful creator, Jehovah God, has promised each and every one of us, of any race or background.
I know that you already know what he has told us through his word, but I am curious to wonder why you have chosen to jump off the narrow road which leads to everlasting life. Is it because you have had a bad experience in God's organization? Or maybe you have become dumb and listened to or read apostate lies which have seemed to of spread amongst people intent on bitterly destroying God's Organization by spreading rumours on the internet.
The important thing to remember is that there is still chance for you.
Turn away from these wicked ways and this bad lifestyle you are leading. Turn away from spreading terrible lies about God's Organization. If only you people could see that what you are doing is wrong! Wicked apostates shall receive the ultimate destruction at Armageddon, there is still chance to turn away from this and come back to the Organization - the only place where people can receive the truth about God, and his word.
You see, some people chose to believe that Jesus is God. I mean, what's that all about?!?! The same people whom may chose to believe such twisted truths are being easily misled by others to believe the same kind of lies about the Organization. Do not be fooled by apostate propaganda!
I know that as Witnesses you know that we get warnings to stay away from you kind of people, but I want to help. If anybody has anything to say about 'how bad the Organization is' yadda yadda yadda then let them say it here, we will have it out.